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发布日期:2023/6/14 9:21:00


Underpinned by an aspiration of research excellence and innovative thinking, the HKUST Business School has moved forward with a strong commitment to academic originality and rigorous research over its 30 years of remarkable history.

As one of the most challenging and rewarding levels of study in business education, our Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Program is designed for motivated leaders who share our aspiration of research excellence. This distinctive Program provides rigorous and professional training for participants to develop a portfolio of skills in conducting practice-based research.

The four-year Program will offer students an unparalleled academic journey with an innovative research environment. It is beneficial for motivated leaders, executives and entrepreneurs who aspire to gain exposure to the latest business trends and enhance their research and analytic capabilities in today’s fast-changing world.

Our DBA students will fully benefit from the strengths that our School can offer – an internationally renowned faculty, proven excellence in research, an interdisciplinary approach to exploring new topics, and opportunities to network with leading business figures.

Welcome you to embark on this exhilarating journey, during which you will be able to combine your intellectual capacity and professional experience and transform them into positive societal impacts.

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