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CUT&Tag-IT Assay Kit, Anti-Rabbit


The original CUT&Tag-IT™ Assay Kit Cat. No. 53160 is designed to work with rabbit antibodies. If you are working with mouse antibodies to the histone mark of interest, the CUT&Tag-IT™ Assay Kit, Anti-Mouse Cat. No. 53165 is specifically designed to work with mouse antibodies.


We recommend using a CUT&Tag-validated antibody for best results.


Looking for bulk pA-Tn5 Transposase? Get a quote.


Need to multiplex more than 16 samples? See our Nextera™-Compatible Multiplex Primers (96 plex).


Cleavage Under Targets and Tagmentation (CUT&Tag) is a method to investigate genomic localization of histone modifications and some transcription factors that reveals interactions between proteins and DNA or identifies DNA binding sites for proteins of interest.


Unlike MNase-Seq or ATAC-Seq methods that target open chromatin and are therefore dependent on chromatin accessibility, CUT&Tag utilizes an antibody-based enzyme tethering strategy to target specific histone modifications or proteins to reveal chromatin-binding information that is specific to those sites or proteins of interest.


CUT&Tag is based on the same principles as ChIP-Seq, but with several changes to the protocol that are advantageous in certain situations. Instead of the sonication of fixed chromatin and immunoprecipitation steps performed in ChIP-Seq protocols, in CUT&Tag, fresh (not frozen) unfixed cells are bound to concanavalin A beads and the antibody incubation is performed with cells in their native state. Directly following antibody binding, the chromatin is digested and NGS libraries are prepared in a single step by tagmentation using the protein A-Tn5 (pA-Tn5) transposome enzyme that has been pre-loaded with sequencing adapters.


CUT&Tag can rapidly produce high-quality results from less starting material than ChIP-Seq, and enables robust analysis from lower sequencing depths, saving both time and money.


Learn more about CUT&Tag and how it works



人 SLC22A2(NM_003058) pCDNA3.1-EGFP
FH08531232 20μl
M9 低盐培养基
A507024-0250 250g
P40780 干粉质粒
P52607 干粉质粒
P40774 干粉质粒
TET3 (8E4) Mouse Monoclonal antibody
BD-PE5205 100μl
Dnmt2 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
BD-PB0749 100μl
NSUN7 Polyclonal antibody
17546-1-AP 100μl
TET2 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
BD-PT8098 100μg
ZT708 20ul质粒+300ul菌液
R0145S 3,000 units
B529319-0025 25g
BF06206-10 10个/包
ATPase Assay试剂盒(Colorimetric)
ab234055 100tests