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Apoptosis Western Blot Cocktail (pro/p17-caspase-3,cleaved PARP1,muscle actin)



Apoptosis Western Blot Cocktail (pro/p17-caspase-3,cleaved PARP1,muscle actin)


与反应: Human

不与反应: Mouse, Rat


Cocktail of primary antibodies to detect apoptosis biomarkers caspase 3 and PARP, along with loading control muscle actin (42 kDa). The caspase 3 antibody (rabbit monoclonal) detects both the 32 kDa pro-caspase 3 as well as the p17 subunit of active caspase 3 generated by cleavage of the pro-caspase 3 at Asp175. The PARP antibody (mouse monoclonal) detects only the apoptosis-specific 89 kDa PARP fragment (cleaved-PARP) generated from the full length PARP by active caspases. Since the primary antibodies used are both mouse and rabbit, a secondary antibodies cocktail of GAM-HRP and GAR-HRP is provided.



The Apoptosis western blot cocktail (ab136812) is designed to study the induction of apoptosis in response to various stimuli. The two main components of this cocktail are monoclonal antibodies specific to caspase 3 and PARP. Caspase 3 is one of the executioner caspases activated by proteolytic cleavage during apoptosis. The rabbit caspase 3 antibody of this cocktail detects both the 32 kDa pro-caspase 3 as well as the p17 subunit of the active caspase 3 generated by cleavage of the pro-caspase 3 at Asp175. Thus the induction of apoptosis can be followed by a decrease of the pro-caspase 3 or by an increase of the p17 caspase 3. Monitoring the changes in the pro-caspase 3 is particularly advantageous, since the proportion of caspase activation can be determined from the reduction of the pro-form from analysis of control and stimulated samples. Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP) is a DNA repair enzyme that is cleaved during apoptosis by activated caspases. The mouse PARP antibody of this cocktail detects only the apoptosis-specific 89 kDa PARP fragment (cleaved-PARP). This antibody does not react with the full-length PARP. Combined, these two antibodies provide biomarkers of apoptosis. The rabbit muscle actin antibody is provided as a loading control for sample to sample normalization. Since the primary antibodies are both mouse and rabbit, the cocktail of HRP-conjugated goat anti-rabbit and anti-mouse secondary antibodies is provided for convenience. The targets are easily resolved by Western blot given their different molecular weights.



Mouse TNF-alpha ELISA Kit
KE10002 96T
Mouse IL-6 ELISA Kit
KE10007 96T
Recombinant Human ALDOB Protein
BA04395 50μg
9028 50 μl × 10
Blasticidin (solution)
ant-bl-05 50mg (5 x 1 ml)
Passive Lysis 5X Buffer
E1941 30mL
Cas9 Polyclonal antibody
26758-1-AP 50μl
HNRNPA1 Polyclonal antibody
11176-1-AP 50μl
CD315 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
BD-PT5637 20μg
ALDOA Polyclonal antibody
11217-1-AP 100μl
Alpha Tubulin Monoclonal antibody
66031-1-Ig 100μl
UltraPure™ 无 DNase/RNase 蒸馏水
10977015 500mL
SA1001 1mL